Laboratory of Intelligent Machines and Robotic Scenarios in Ship Recycling

December 13, 2013

Professor, D.Sc (Tech), Heikki Handroos, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Basic information about Lappeenranta University of Technology

  • Founded 1969
  • Located in Lappeenranta, South-Eastern Finland (around 6000 students and staff members)
  • Faculties in Engineering and Business
  • IM Lab is a forerunner in machine simulation and heavy duty robotics
Novel human-machine interface
Novel human-machine interface technologies (force, touch and vibration)
Parallel Robots
Parallel Robots for Fusion Reactors
Mobile Robot
Mobile Robots for Remote Assembly
Challenges and opportunities of robotic tools in ship recycling
  • Very large workspace needed for robots (several robotic stations needed)
  • There are no commercially available solutions (tool development needed)
  • Both cutting and handling tools needed
  • Mechanical cutting slow and very large forces needed
  • Plasma, wire and water jet cutting possible
  • Laser cutting effective but work safety is a big issue
  • Automated cutting inside the ship very challenging
Robotic tool and crane combination
Robotic tool and crane combination
Portal and Robotic Tool
Portal and Robotic Tool
