EU regulation limits end-of-life ship export to developing countries for dismantling and recycling environmental problems and safety and health problems.
Ship dismantling has been done traditionally with low technology and lots of manual work. EU region does not have sufficient capacity.
Ships contain lots of different materials:
Sustainability of ship recycling
Environmental sustainability of ship dismantling, recycling and waste management can be studied using life cycle assessment (LCA). A few studies have been done earlier for ship recycling in developing countries and USA. LCA will be used in this research to reveal important factors for the environmental sustainability of ship dismantling and recycling.
These factors are e.g.:
Environmental sustainability factors can be compared and studied with economic feasibility factors. Cost effectivity of different treatment and separation operations in comparison with environmental impacts. Needs for treatment and further separation of rejects will be studied.
Source: Kokousmuistio Mika H 20200424_liite_Ship dismantling as recycling and waste management issue